Arihant English Medium School, Solapur Vidi Gharkul Locality Arihant English Medium School, a renowned school, conducted a valedictory ceremony for class 10th students on 25th February . The 10th class students were bid farewell with good luck for the board exams. The presence of team IMPACT MOTION spread laughter in the emotional atmosphere of the school. They spread the joy among the youngsters of school. The IMPACT MOTION team also wished them good luck for the upcoming board exams by guiding them for the future. Srinivas Kuni of Team IMPACT MOTION, Prasad Limaye, Ganesh Nimbale, Ajinkya Satpute, Kaustubh Bargaje, Omkar Halkhede, School Founder Mr. Ajay Ponnam Sir, Principal Ms. Sanyogeeta Guruji, Supervisor Sulakshana Ponnam, Tasnim Shaikh, Shital Rajput, Rupali Nikte, Channesh Indi sir , all teaching and non-teaching staff and students were present. Students enjoyed a lot their farewell. They danced, they sang with the rhythm of atmosphere, they enjoyed refreshment arranged by the school.